St. Joseph’s School has a compulsory uniform policy. Upon enrolment, parents agree that they will support the school’s requirement that full and correct uniform be worn at all times. Students not in correct uniform need to inform teachers via parental notes. Parents will be alerted to the situation if students consistently show disregard for correct uniform. The intention of the uniform at St Joseph’s is that all students will present themselves in a neat and tidy fashion at all times, thus showing pride in our school.
St Joseph’s school operates a uniform shop located downstairs in the Good Samaritan Centre Convent Building and sells new and second-hand uniforms. Our shop convenor can assist you with sizing, in store purchases and online ordering through Flexischools.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesdays 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Fridays 8:15am - 9:15am
At the beginning and end of year the uniform shop opens at other times to assist parents with their uniform needs. At times of the year between May and August the shop may close one day a week depending on demand. Please contact the school office for enquiries.
Uniform Price List 2025.pdf
Online Ordering
Orders for both the Uniform Shop and Tuckshop are placed through although the uniform shop also accepts in person orders and payments.
Prep Girls
Tricolour knit Sports shirt with navy shorts
Sports shoes with St Joseph's embroidered Sports Socks
School Hat with Emblem & embroidered surname
School Bag with Emblem & embroidered surname (1 key chain identifier only)
House T Shirt is worn at the four annual Sports Carnivals - cross country, track, field and swimming
Girls (Years 1-6)
Formal Uniform
Dress OR school blouse & skort
Short plain white ankle length socks
Black leather/vinyl school shoes or black joggers (No boots, high tops, Volleys, skate shoes or Mary Jane style shoes - even if labelled as 'School range' in shops)
School Bag with Emblem & embroidered surname (1 key chain identifier only)
Sports Uniform
Tricolour knit sports shirt with emblem
Navy knit/microfibre shorts
St Joseph's embroidered Sports Socks
Predominantly Black or White Sports joggers - acceptable highlight colours blue, red or yellow (No boots, high tops, Volleys or skate shoes - even if labelled as 'School range' in shops.)
House T Shirt is worn at the four annual sports carnivals - cross country, track, field and swimming.
Girl's Winter Items
Navy school jacket with emblem
Navy school vest with emblem is an optional extra
Navy tights can be worn as an alternative to white socks with the formal uniform (both with skorts and dresses)
Navy track pants may be worn with sports uniform.
School Hat with emblem is worn throughout the year. (embroidered surnames is optional)
Prep Boys
Tricolour knit Sports shirt with navy shorts
Sports shoes with St Joseph's embroidered Sports Socks
School Hat with Emblem
School Bag with Emblem & embroidered surname (1 key chain identifier only)
House T Shirt is worn at the four annual Sports Carnivals - cross country, track, field and swimming
Boys (Years 1-6)
Formal Uniform
Royal blue dress shirt with emblem (Gold trimmed side splits which can be worn out is an optional style)
Navy rugger/stubbie style shorts (long or short leg)
Short navy ankle socks
Black leather/vinyl school shoes or black joggers. (No boots, high tops, Volleys or skate shoes - even if labelled as 'School range' in shops.)
School Bag with Emblem & embroidered surname (1 key chain identifier only)
Sports Uniform
Tricolour knit sports shirt with emblem
Navy knit/microfibre shorts
St Joseph's embroidered Sports Socks
Predominantly Black or White Sports joggers - acceptable highlight colours blue, red or yellow (No boots, high tops, Volleys or skate shoes - even if labelled as 'School range' in shops.)
House T Shirt is worn at the four annual Sports Carnivals - cross country, track, field and swimming.
Boy's Winter Items
Navy school jacket with emblem
Navy school vest with emblem is an optional extra
Navy track pants may be worn with either uniform though the correct shoes must be worn: sports joggers with sports and black shoes with formal uniform.
School Hat with emblem is worn throughout the year (embroidered surnames is optional)
Please see the attached file for examples of both acceptable and unacceptable footwear:

Hair Length and Accessories
- Shoulder length hair (or longer) must be tied up.
- Scrunchies, ribbons and hair bands in school colours i.e. navy, red, yellow, white or royal blue are permitted.
- No decorative hair bands or pieces
- Hair colour, tips, tints, tracks, etc are NOT ACCEPTABLE.
- Hair must be kept neat and tidy and in a conventional style cut for school
- Ear-rings - Single sets of Sleepers or Studs - no glass inserts
- Watches - Are permitted for those who can use them - NO SMARTWATCHES
- Rings - Signet rings only
- Smartwatches
- Makeup
- Necklaces, bracelets and anklets are not permitted for Health and Safety reasons
All items of clothing are to be clearly marked for easy identification. This will reduce losses and further expense.
© BCE, St Joseph's Primary School (2020)